Financial Bondage is the result of being preoccupied with money~either from a lack or a abundance.
Lord, I am not asking to win the lottery
and I'm not seeking proverty either.
Just give me enough so that I am not
constantly worring about finances
but not so much that I forget to always rely on You
Security is not measured by the things you have, but rather the things you can do without
No matter how much you hear and read, no one has a clue what the stock market is going to do.
Frugality simply means striving to get the best value you can for each dollar
you spend and fully enjoying the things you have or make use of
No matter what your particular calling in life~
mother, career woman, wife, or grandmother
you're a woman both wonderful and unique
Every woman~regardless of her marital status, age, strengths, or weaknesses~
needs to know how to manage money confidently and effectively.
No matter what your present situation, there's always a way out.
All of the above are from "The Financially Confident Woman" by Mary Hunt