I want to recommend reading "Miss Julia Speaks her Mind". This book has charm, rumor and mystery all in one. I didn't want to put it down after I started reading it! This is the first one in the Miss Julia series. So I definitely want to read the others.

Hello! I'm Dawn from Wisconsin--found you from another blog! I go out blog visiting almost daily.
Your family is beautiful. thank you for the advice on good reads. I dont read books that often but when i go out looking--i just get lost as to what to pick. this one sounds good. and i like that its a first in a series.
Hello, Im Barb from Oregon, I found you from another blog too! Your book recommendations are fun to read, I am always looking for more books, especially ones that enhance my life and keep me moving in the right direction. I agree with Dawnie, I think this will be a good read for me too! By the way, I love hockey as much as you do, I'm an LA Kings fan from way back, and if you know who the LA Sharks were, I liked them too. I was a speed skater in my youth living in Pasadena California. I will send my friends to your blog, it is a fun place to visit, and I bet you are fun too! Enjoy your beautiful day,
It's me again, I forgot to mention, you should venture over to my chilhood friend Tam's blog called Yakkity yak yak, you would like her! She's a crafter and an all around nutty mom who has a zest for life that I think you will enjoy. I have known her since kindergarten. She is the person who told me to start a blog in the first place...Tell her I said hello! Barb
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