Jobing.com arena had a job fair yesterday over 10,000 people came out for a chance at 200 jobs. They were lined up all the way to the University of Phoenix Stadium . This shows how bad the economic crisis is here in Phoenix. I didn't go because I am fighting a head cold. But I am glad I didn't, the majority they talked to on the news said they were told to apply online. After waiting all that time in line just to be told to apply online would be very heart breaking!
I heard about the job fair. I know it's getting harder by the day because of so many layed off right now. I am praying for you daily. I am sure it's rough on you. If I do hear anything about anything opening up I will send it your way.
Keep the faith Cherrie!
Hi Cherrie, so nice to meet you. Good luck with the job hunting, I will say an extra prayer for you. hang in there, it will get better.
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