Winner: Cherrie Shaw - Her entry is as follows:
I would be honored to have this angel named after my niece Angela Martinelli Warner. Angela passed away on July 8th 2008 from complications of a seizure, at the age of 33. She had suffered with seizures for 9 long years. Angela had a heart of gold just like this angel. She touched so many lives with her bubbly personality. The church was packed and people were standing in the isles at her funeral. Just a few weeks before she died she told her mom she had a dream that Jesus is coming soon. Well he did, he came for her. She is our angel now. I want to give this angel to my sister Cindey (Angela’s mom). Cindey’s birthday is June 19, Angela’s was June 18th and Cindey’s youngest daughters is June 17th. This is going to be really hard on my sister. June has always been about the girls birthdays. Cindey never thought of herself as a strong woman. She has survived breast cancer and now the loss of Angela. I think she is a very strong woman!
I would be honored to have this angel named after my niece Angela Martinelli Warner. Angela passed away on July 8th 2008 from complications of a seizure, at the age of 33. She had suffered with seizures for 9 long years. Angela had a heart of gold just like this angel. She touched so many lives with her bubbly personality. The church was packed and people were standing in the isles at her funeral. Just a few weeks before she died she told her mom she had a dream that Jesus is coming soon. Well he did, he came for her. She is our angel now. I want to give this angel to my sister Cindey (Angela’s mom). Cindey’s birthday is June 19, Angela’s was June 18th and Cindey’s youngest daughters is June 17th. This is going to be really hard on my sister. June has always been about the girls birthdays. Cindey never thought of herself as a strong woman. She has survived breast cancer and now the loss of Angela. I think she is a very strong woman!
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