I am flying to New Mexico today to spend a week with my Dad, and Mother's day with my Mom! Dad is in the hospital again. Please pray for him!

Me and my Dad on his birthday last year. May 13th. If I don't get a chance to get back online by Sunday:

Dad, Me and Mom this was taken at our family reunion last Oct.
I hope you are having a good Mother's Day with your mom and that you dad gets better soon! Safe travels!
I will keep your dear Dad in my prayers.
Hi Cherrie,
I wanted to come over here and explain myself (I posted this on the lit sisters blog too)
It's not that I didn't like AHEB or Firefly Lane-They certainly kept my attention and they were the type of books I wanted to finish. I had a hard time putting them down.
What I don't like about the books we have read (yes, even the ones I picked for us to read) is something is missing. (The Lord)
And I realize they are fiction but a good fiction book draws you in and makes you part of it and the peoples lives that are in the book. I felt that all the characters lacked one key component: Hope.
The books left me with a little emptyness feeling. Ya know?
Hey, I hope you have a wonderful 3 day weekend...Are you going to read next months book? I ask because it doesn't seem like we have very many people taking part in our book club and I am thinking about closing the blog down. It's a lot of work and it's sad to me when a Host is putting so much effort in and no one is really commenting. :(
Take care and God Bless,
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