My trip started with my friend Theresa and her husband Bill taking me to Flagstaff to meet up with my family, they were coming from Farmington NM. We were going to spend the night in Flag, but we decide to drive on to Laughlin Nevada instead.

The first night we stayed in the parking lot of the Pioneer Casino. They let you stay for free since they know you will go inside and spend money at the casino.

He we are! We were getting a little silly by then. Not sure where Eddie was hiding when I took this picture. Richard was dancing I should have did a video!

I took this picture before we hit the road the next morning. This is behind the Pioneer Casino looking across the river at Bullhead City, AZ. It was getting a little warm so we left early to beat the heat.

These are the wind turbines coming into Tehachapi California.

We stayed the second night in Tehachapi, at Eddie's brothers house.

Roger, Margaret, Gloria and Eddie. It was cool and windy there.

As we were leaving town the next morning I notice these tunnels where the trains go thru the mountains.

Alisha was tried! She took a little nap and I snapped this picture!

Here is Eddie driving. We played music and sang along the way.

Cindey, she is buckled in. Once we got in Cali the roads were bumpy. It was an adventure getting up to go in the bathroom! I am pretty sure you are not supposed to do that going down the road. lol But do you know how many times we would have had to stop if we didn't.

Here is Gloria smiling! We were getting excited because we were getting closer to San Francisco area.

Richard being the co-pilot.


We made it to our KOA campground in Petaluma California, just north of San Francisco. Gloria started making dinner. We had spaghetti! Yum Yum it was good!

You can see in the background the hay ride, the campground does this every night for the kids! And they have a ice cream social too.

Here is Cindey texting her son that we made it safely to Cali.

Alisha and Richard being silly!

The KOA even has a petting zoo! The baby goats were just a few weeks old. They were so cute! We stayed at the KOA campground for 4 nights. We did day trips to San Francisco, Napa Valley and Bodega Bay. Then we decided to go down the coast following the 101 to Pacific Coast Highway 1. We were looking for warmer water!

It took 12 hours but we made it! We stayed our final night in California at Newport Dunes. Our site was right on the bay!

This is the beautiful site we saw at sunset!

Early the next morning Cindey, Alisha and myself drove over to Newport Beach Pier!

Mother and Daughter!

I love Newport! The last time I was here was 07 for the remembrance birthday for Dave, he would have been 46 that year. I can't believe he has been gone that long.

One last look before we headed out to go pack up the RV and head home. We had a fun time being all together. We have already began talking about were we are going next! I can't wait.....
1 comment:
I enjoyed this post so much. It is my dream to travel in the US in an RV. My daughter likes all the funny RV films! Newport Beach looks beautiful. I would love to go there one day. Thank you for sharing your travels.
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