My doctor is working on getting the insurance approval for my knee replacement. I am a bit nervous because I have never had any type of major surgery. I have had my tubes tied and a orthoscopic surgery on this same knee, both of these were out-patient surgeries. The only hospital stay I have had is when I had my babies.
I don't know how long it takes them to set things up but I am ready. I want to be able to walk normal again. I have had to walk with a stiff knee for the last 9 months. It is time!
Good Luck, I will keep you in my prayers.......:-) Hugs
I can't say knee replacement is without pain & recovery but so much has been done over the years to improve the process I feel you are doing the best thing to keep yourself mobile! Prayers for you!!
Have A Great Weekend!
Praying for you that the surgery will be a total success and you heal quickly. Hugs
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