Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Please say a prayer tomorrow for my grand daughter Allyssa. She is having surgery to remove her adenoids and tonsils.

UPDATE: Allyssa is doing great! I got her a Justin Bieber magazine to help with her recovery. She was very happy!


Anonymous said...

Prayers are for her & family too!!
Even though this kind of surgery is very routine I know how frightening it all can be. Just don't let you imagination run away with you.... I am sure she will be fine!!

Deb said...

will put her at the top of the list...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I prayed for Allysa, my granddaughter is 25 and her name is Alyssa with 1 L

Anonymous said...

Sending up prayers for your dad and brother as well as Alyssa. I couldn't get on the post you put out about your brother and dad. Blogger said it didn't exist. Hugs