Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you! Above is my favorite picture of me and my Dad. We had so much fun fishing when I was a kid. Every summer we would go camping up by Mormon Lake in northern AZ. This picture was taken at Ashurst Lake. We could sit there and in about an hour have our limit of fish for the day!
This family picture we took in 2008 for Dad's 80th birthday. I wish I could be in NM today with Dad and family. My sisters and brother-in-laws are taking my Mom and Dad on a picnic today! I miss all of them but my sister has a new camera and she promises to take lots of pictures!
I love my family!
What a precious photo of you and your dad fishing! I enjoyed reading about your special memories of fishing with him. Sorry you couldn't be with him this year, but I'm sure he knows you would have been there if it were possible. laurie
You are so blessed to have your father still here to wish a Happy Fathers Day and I am sure your sister will send wonderful pictures. I miss my dad so much but am so happy to know that there are others who are still able to touch and love their dads on this their special day.....Hugs
Don't you just hate relinquishing them to age??
Beautiful Father's Day Tribute to your Dad.....
Have a Wonderful Day!
I can just hear the fish stories now...what a great day making memories.
Blessings ;-)
Oh Cherrie! I just love that picture of you with your daddy. So sweet! :)
Those memories are what make us the person we are today and I am thinking they must have been the best times, look at the lovely woman you are today!!!!
I can sense all this through blogging, ha ha..... pictures are such great stories of hat happened in life!
Margaret B
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