My two older grand children will be back in school starting Wednesday. I am going to miss them they have kept me company this summer. It will be quiet without them here. I can't believe how early they are starting school this year. It gets earlier and earlier every year. When I was going we didn't start until after Labor Day. This is the first year I was not able to help them buy the school supplies and I feel sad about that. But I am on a fixed income now and I just didn't have any extra this year. I am going to plan better for next year so I can help some. That is another thing that has changed since I went to school. All our supplies were furnished by the school. Oh well I guess that is just one of many things that happened in the good old days! lol
The kids here are going back to school early as well, I wonder why this year is so different.
So glad you were able to enjoy them as much as you did this summer. .......:-) Hugs
School here starts August 19th like it has for many years. The list for school supplies seem to get longer and more expensive every year. It is hard for a lot of parents to buy them. There are organizations here that will help out though and that is nice.
School always started after Labor Day when I was going to school and when my older kids were in school too. Hugs
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