These are my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls from when I was little. You can see they were well played with. I have no ideal what happened to his eyes! Maybe I played doctor on him!
Does anyone know if these dolls can be machine washed? They are so dirty I would like to clean them but I don't want them to fall apart. Any suggestions?
And why don't little girls play with Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls anymore?
Maybe you could use a spot cleaner on them.
Have a Wonderful Day!
I adore Raggedy Ann and Andy. Takes me back in time.
I would think you could machine wash them....maybe on delicate. Spot washing might be better.
My youngest daughter who is 37 years old now had Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. In fact my wife decorated her whole bedroom with that theme.
And why don't little girls play with Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls anymore?
answer: They have been taught in our public schools that it's Ok for a girl to be a boy and visa-versa.
SAD :(
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