I received a summons to report to jury duty on Aug 30th! Well as I have said my surgery is on Aug 27th. I turned in all my paperwork to the court about my surgery. And you know what they denied my request to be excused! lol Can you believe that? I guess they want me to come by ambulance to jury duty!
Well I called this morning and finally got it straighten out! I now will have jury duty in November!
Jury duty is a wonderful way to recoup after surgery. NOT!! :-)
I'm glad you got it straighten out.
Oh Cherrie Sweetie...
These people are just nuts. They did the same thing to me. I had just had my disc neck surgery. I had to go downtown (Phoenix) and sit for 1 whole day. It was ridiculous. They really don't care if you have surgery or not. Then they wonder why people come down there with the set minds that we do.
I am so sorry sweetie. You would think at least surgery would give you a little time. Do they really think a month or so is going to have you back up and atem. Didn't even allow time for a slow healing.
God Bless you kiddo.
Many hugs and much love, Sherry
glad you got it worked out...
My mouth dropped open when I read your post. lol
How crazy that you had to deal with this they should of got it straight when you told them the first time. goodness
Did you enter my CSN giveaway that ends tonight at midnight...I hope so
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