Most people when they think of arthritis, they think its a few aches and pains. I can tell you from first hand experience that is not the case. From the onset of getting Rheumatoid Arthritis, it was and is very painful. I have been living with RA for almost thirty years now. When I first got it I had a newborn at the time and just putting on his socks made me cry.
To better understand Rheumatoid arthritis, you need to know it is an autoimmune disease where a person's immune system attacks his or her own body tissues. It can be very disabling and cause deformities.
My first signs of the disease were waking up with stiffness in my hands. To date it has affected my hands, elbows, shoulders, neck, knees, and my feet. The above picture is the effect it has had on my hands.
I've taken everything from plain aspirin to infusions drugs. Living with RA is understanding the balance you need in your life. The right combination of exercise and rest. It you move to little, you will lose the ability and range of motion in some of your joints. Which I have done and regret now. If you over do it, you will definitely feel it tomorrow. Moving around now has been really painful, since my knee needs replaced. Not sure when I will be able to get it done. Since I am dealing with insurance coverage and all that fun stuff.
Everyone has their problems in this life they must live with. I choose to live life and find happiness. I believe having a positive outlook is essential to living with RA or any disease; you can't go around thinking poor me. So I get up everyday thinking this is another beautiful day God has given me.